Showing is a lot of work, but it’s also an amazing opportunity for a pair to show off everything they’ve learned! However, going to a show is also a privilege and should be treated as such. This overview will let you know everything you need to make a show weekend easy and fun.

Showing from Beginning to End:

​     - Signing up and entries

     - The day before and packing list

     - The day of

     - Loading and Shipping

     - The Show

     - Finally home

     - Things to do and what you should not to do

Signups and Entry fees: 

​     Signup for shows must be done well before the event, for Eventing, signups are normally due two weeks before the event but we recommend getting your entries in as soon as they open. Sign up sheets will be posted in the clubhouse with the included fees on them, once you commit to a show you are responsible for these fees whether or not you go (so kids must check with their parents before signing up for shows). Ask your training which division you should sign up for before completing your entry online. 

      Fees include horse use fees, coaches fees, and trailering. All fees are due before leaving for the show. 

The Day before and Packing: 

     The day before the show we need to get our horses ready and prepped, and get all of our tack and equipment packed. Here is an equipment packing list for both the horse and the rider.  Make sure you set a few extra alarms and get a good night of sleep!


     We only have one wash stall, so you must coordinate with other riders to make sure that everyone gets enough time in the wash stall. If it's cold outside ask one of the staff members if it is too cold to bathe. 


     Manes should be braided for off property shows. If you don't know how to braid ask your instructor to teach you. If you are concerned about the quality of your braids then PRACTICE! The only way to be good at braiding is to practice, do one or two braids every time you ride to get comfortable with the process. You can braid with rubber bands, or sew in yarn. 


     The day before the show you should gather your shipping boots, a shipping safe halter, and lead rope. All of these items should be put outside your stall so you aren't searching for them early in the morning. 

     You need to also clean your tack and condition it, part of showing is looking clean and put together. Dirty tack will always be noticed. 

​     Help pack hay nets, water, muck buckets, and pitch forks for the group.

     For a full packing list click here

The Day of:

​     Every rider must have an assistant. Most of the time this is a parent. Riders MUST be kind and respectful to their helper, if you are not currently riding help another rider who is trying to get ready. 

       You should get ready early, there is no excuses for being late to ride times and it is disrespectful to all of the volunteers helping to make the show happen. All horses should get fed either by 8am or an hour before the leaving time, whichever comes first. Fix your horses braids, groom them, and put on their halters and shipping boots. 

Loading and Shipping:

       You MUST be ready by the designated loading time, horses and riders should be waiting by the trailer ready to be loaded. Riders who are trained to load their horses are allowed to load, anyone who is uncomfortable with loading will give their horse to the instructor to load. 

       After the horses are loaded, riders and helpers go to their cars and wait for the trailer to pass. When we arrive at the show get to the trailer ASAP. Be ready to take your horse once they are unloaded and get them settled in. NO contact with other horses while at the show! This is how horses get sick, and we will limit the amount of grazing off property. Horses can eat from hay nets.

The Show: 

        Now that it's finally show time there are some things we have to remember. Riders are representing themselves, their horse, and their barn. Riders will not be rude to staff, volunteers, other competitors, parents, or horses. If you are being rude we will need to reevaluate if you are ready to handle showing. 

        Emotions are understandable when adrenaline is running high. However, you might not win a ribbon, you might fall off, or something upsetting might happen. This happens to everyone who shows, and it is not a reason to get angry, cry, hide, or yell at anyone. When you go to shows it is important to have goals other than ribbons, make sure you have a goal for yourself and your horse. 

        The most important thing at a show is to take care of your horse. They allow you to take them somewhere completely new, jump them over scary things, and run up and down all of the hills. We are lucky that they even let us get them on the trailer, so treat your horse with love and care. Make sure they are watered and have hay at all times.

 The Drive Home:

        We understand that when the show day is over everyone is tired, sweaty, and hungry. However, so is your horse. When we are planning on leaving, help pack up the trailer and get your horse ready to go. If you are finished getting yourself ready help someone else. 

        On the drive home, do not stop for dinner, to shop, or to take a nap. The trailer is NOT STOPPING on the way home, you need to be there at the time the trailer arrives. The horses just spent the whole day working and don't need to spend anymore time on the trailer than necessary. Once the trailer arrives grab your horse, remove boots and braids. Make sure that your horse isn't sweaty, feed them grain if necessary, and turn them outside

        Help clean out the trailer, put away tack, and clean up the barn. We don't want to leave the barn looking like a tornado ran through the night before, it will scare the staff. If we are cleaning the trailer the day after ALL riders must show up to help.  

Things to do and what not to do:

        Be friendly and helpful to everyone

        Take care of your horse and respectful to your helper

        Clean up after yourself, we try to leave farms better than we found them. 

        BE EARLY it is better to be over-prepared

        HAVE FUN

        DO NOT be cranky or angry at your helper

        DO NOT talk badly about other competitors or barns (even if you think they can't hear you someone else can)

        DO NOT hide in your car

        DO NOT be late

        NEVER blame your horse - everything is a learning experience, learn from it and do better next time

What to Expect When Showing